Friday, April 30, 2010
Fuming Fridays

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Do you shop at Target?

Good luck!! I hope one of us gets it! By the way, she's hosting Fuming Fridays tomorrow and I'll be posting along, will you?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
my high school made the news .. and it's not good
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Wishful Wednesday
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Weekend Recap

Very well rested, we went to the early Mass then headed over to Home Depot to pick up some replacement pepper plants for our garden and some paint. You're in for a treat because Brian is going to be guest posting an update for our garden soon. I'll be telling you more about the plans I have for our dining room, but for now, we spent the rest of the day Sunday taking it
Monday, April 26, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sing-Along Sunday
Friday, April 23, 2010
The Answers to the Questions part 2
Derrick Flannigan said Who's the first person you want to meet when you get to Heaven?
Besides the obvious? I'm there to see God, end of story! But I would also like to get to know my guardian angel on another level. I pray with her so often, I'd love to see her and find out what she's been doing for me specifically.
Sara Lang said what's the worst piece of advice you've ever been given?
I love Lauren's How To series on her blog, The Little Things We Do. But I made the stupid choice to follow this post, How To Turn Dirty Hair into Pretty Hair and it was one of the worst ideas ever. I spent a little too long that morning checking the blog roll so by the time I read that post, skipping a shower and blowdry sounded like a really great idea. I made the braid like it explains (which was so cute and I've worn again in clean hair) but after about an hour I looked disgusting. And I had to stay that way, with stringy, greasy hair until 5:00 when I got home. It probably worked for somebody, but it was terrible advice for me. I need to wash it every single morning from now on.
Miss Muddy Paws said What's the most embarrassing moment you've ever had?
A few months ago I was wearing these very cute but poorly designed low heeled shoes from Nine West. They have kind of a tapered knob heel which make them comfortable but more flattering than flats. After work I went to HEB and picked up one of those little hand baskets and started filling it up in produce. As I start walking to the bakery department I must have been a little off balance with my basket and stepped on the edge of the heel of my shoe and totally slid out. I landed flat in the middle of a crowded grocery store and all the food went bouncing out of my basket. Strawberries went rolling across the floor in all directions and everyone gasped and kept asking if I was ok. I picked myself back up gathered my stuff, except the strawberries and hurried off to a central aisle where fewer people would see me. I slipped again by the cereal but not quite such an epic fall. You'll think I'm out of my mind when I tell you I still wear those shoes, but they're cute, you know?
Phone Home Designs by ET said...
Question: Did that Lilly dress I sent you fit well? Have you worn it yet?
Yes, it fit great! You see, Emily sent me a darling Lilly Pulitzer shift dress that she had gotten with her superior bargain shopping skills. I wore it several times last Spring/Summer and plan to get a good bit of wear out of it again this year just as soon as my hips fit again.
And my real question: What's your first sewing project?
In high school my little sister on the dance team taught me a tiny bit how to sew. We made adorable pillow cases in the school colors with ribbon and trim. Since then though, I haven't really sewn anything. I'm planning on making curtains kind of like this only small for my dining room soon. You can be sure you'll hear about it.
allie-mac-fallie said what is the MOST important thing about wedding planning that I should know??
My advice for any other bride would be to make sure that you're planning for your marriage and not just your wedding! How you relate to your husband and the foundation that you build for your life together is so much more important than the flowers, DJ, menu etc. Since this is Allie, my bestie, and I already admire her for her marriage to Karl, I'll save that advice. I know her priorities are in the right place! So for you, Allie, I say tell your bridesmaids what to do. I love helping!
Peggy said My question: You say in your About Me that you try to live out your faith. What practical ways do you do so?
Faith plays an important role in every aspect of my life which makes it hard to list out ways, but I think that's good. Lets see, I try to pray about everything, often. I frequent the sacraments. I make it a point to see the good in others because of who their creator is. I say I'm sorry when I need to and forgive others when I need to. I look to faith to determine who to vote for, how to spend my money, what media I'll consume, clothes I'll wear. The caveat is that I do all of this very imperfectly and it's only through grace that I succeed at all.
Carrie said What is something not many people know about you?
Not many people know that I have scoliosis. Sort of a random thing, but it's true. The school nurse detected it in one of those mass screenings and I had to wear a brace for about a year. It was pretty much the worst year of my life, but I got through it. Hopefully it won't ever get bad enough that I'll need surgery, but that was a possibility.
Laura PARING DOWN said looking at your cute Maui pink bike photos, you seem to live in the country. Tell us a little more about where you live.
I love where we live! It's the most country that Brian or I have ever lived in, but it gets a lot more rural than us too. I was used to the suburbs in a master plan community where all the houses are pretty but almost just alike. It's a different kind of neighborhood here, but our neighbors are really friendly. We live on the edge of town across the street from a lake. Behind our house is a really pretty cattle ranch that showed up in my bike riding pics. We live on a half acre which is nice because we can spread out a bit and have a garden.
Mom said What is that Damask pattern? Is it an antique and from what country?
That's from my mom commenting on the background of my blog layout and being silly. I got the layout from Shabby Blogs which is made in America. Mine is called Damask Don't Tell. I'm thinking about having one designed though. Do you think I should? Who did you use to design your layout?
4 a lifetime of loving you said what is your favourite flower and why?
My favorite flower is a Peony. I love the frilly feminine look and the shades of pink they come in. I planted some bulbs this year, but we just don't have the weather to grow them, it was a fail. I also love Stock, Ranunculus, Snapdragons, and others.
Alissa said Okay, if you could live anywhere where would you live and why?The Garcia's said If you could live anywhere aside from where you live now where would it be?
These two were almost the same question but it's good that Brittany followed up Alissa's with "aside from where you live now," because I would have said right here! I always want to live in Texas either the hill country or the coast would be my top picks. If I ever couldn't live in Texas though, in a strange hypothetical world, I would look to the Carolinas because of the culture, scenery, weather. I think I'd be happy there too.
The question and answer posts are done for now, but I'd be happy to respond to any questions you put in the comments any time! I love hearing from you!
Fill in the Blank Friday - the music one

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Thursday 5

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
My Man is HOME!!
How old is your man? 25. He's younger than me by a summer.
Who eats more? Hubs, and I'm so jealous about it! I could easily eat as much as him, but it wouldn't be pretty!
Who said "I love you" first? Apparently I got this wrong on my last survey, I said it first. But I was right about it being at the pool of my old condo.
Who is taller? He is at 6'4". Height has always been one of my main requirements becuase I'm not exactly short at 5'8".
Who sings better? We're probably equally not-that-talented but I get mad at him when he sings ugly on purpose! He's really good at making up songs and singing them to me.
Who is smarter? That's me. Of course he knows about a lot of things that I don't, but I had to laugh when he asked me to remind him about the rules of subtraction.
Whose temper is worse? His for sure. He takes after his grandpa. I never met him, but whenever Brian gets huffy and starts throwing his hat and kicking curbs his family says oh he's just like Wop.
Who does the laundry? I do it more, but he helps pretty often.
Who takes out the garbage? He does. Big job since we're driving to the other side of the lake for pick up.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do in this house, but he always sleeps closer to the door, so sometimes that's the left and sometimes that's the right.
Who pays the bills? He's good at that.
Who is better with the computer? He's better at it but I use it way more! Hi blog friends!
Who mows the lawn? Hubs, I touched the lawnmower for the first time in my life last weekend and went about 4 passes on the sideyard. I don't plan on continuing. I'd rather pay someone, but he says no way no how, so he does it himself.
Who cooks dinner? I do, unless its on the grill. Brian is great with the grill!
Who drives when you are together? He does almost every time.
Who pays when you go out? Always him. We have the same card so it's not like it matters but that's just how we do it.
Who is most stubborn? Him, and that's really saying something because I'm pretty stubborn myself!
Whose parents do you see the most? His because they live so much closer. We'll be seeing a lot more of them now that it's lake season too.
Who asked who out? I'm not sure that ever really happened with us because of how we met and then were together 24/7 right away.
Who proposed? He did! July 3, 2008 on the San Marcos River, with my family dog Maggie as a witness.
Who wears the pants in the family? He does. I love his legs, but I'd rather not see them in my skirts!
I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about the man I love! Now I'm going out to sit on the patio with him and drink a beer! Have a great night!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Animal Babies

Top 2 Tuesdays- Items Under $15
Items under $15 could describe most of what's in my house. I'm all about the bargain and get lots of stuff cheap or on sale for about this price point. I'll be playing along today though and post two of my top items.

Monday, April 19, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
I've got a little story for ya
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Six Senses Saturday
Friday, April 16, 2010
I need a little shopping help, yall

We ended up going with the one from Pottery Barn but instead of buying the duvet cover which looked high quality we purchased the last comforter in the Pottery Barn Outlet which was on display. It was like $25, I couldn't resist. We've been using it for 9 months now and already it has punctures from dog toenails and it's looking faded and dingy even though I've washed it only a few times.
So, I'm coming to you to help me find ideas for a new set. Care to do a little shopping around with me? Or at least suggest stores I could look at? I know I have seen many beautiful examples that I would be thrilled to have in pictures, but they're never there when you need them, you know?
Here's what I'm looking for:
- Colors in the greens, blues or natural families, but I don't rule out something a little brighter. I say no to dark brown though, as well as orange, black and purple.
- Probably in a print,maybe floral, botanical again, paisley, toile, whatever
- Able to withstand 110 lbs of dogs playing on it and not tear or look dirty right away
- Machine washable. See above.
- $200 or less for the comforter, hopefully for the whole set-shams, skirt, etc
- Easy to accessorize
Think you can help me? I would love you for it, and I'll let you all know when we decide.
5 Question Friday

1. What words do you use on your blog/online that you don't use in real life?
I don't really think I use any words on my blog that I don't in real life. I don't usually refer to Brian as hubster, or hubby in real life, but that's about it. It's more likely that I use words in real life that I don't include on my blog.
2. Do you still write checks?
Only for rent and tithing now, but I only wrote checks up until about a year ago. I only embraced the debit card last spring.
3. Who was your favorite President and why?
Reagan, Bush, Polk. JK about Polk, I don't really know anything about him.
4. Are you a yeller?
I am, and I really wish I weren't. I was just saying yesterday that I think yelling is a form of violence and I don't want to do it. I've tried to commit to not yelling anymore, but when I get frustrated I think that's the only way I can get heard.
5. Have you ever dumpster dived?
Nope. I have taken a couple things in really good condition off of curbs that were meant for trash. But actually hop into the dumpster, I don't think I could do that.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Happy Thursday Thoughts
2. My bloggy bestie, Neely, is coming for a weekend in June! That and lots of other fun things will be happening over the next couple months and I have happy anticipation about it all!
3. We got to have swiss chard out of the garden with dinner last night! It was even more delicious knowing we grew it ourselves!
4. My hubby has been discerning God's will and has made a decision concerning his employment. I'm proud to be led by him when he is led by God! I'll tell you about what's happening when I can.
5. The ceiling fan in our bedroom is getting fixed today so hopefully I won't be hot tonight for the first time in a month or so!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Top 2 Tuesdays - Beauty Secrets

Discontinued beauty secret by request of the hubster: put a slice of garlic on a pimple. There are antibiotic properties in it that kill the yucky bacteria causing the problem and also dries it up some and reduces redness over night. My cousin taught me this trick and I've used it with a pretty good success rate! Keep it away from your eyes though, that burns. It beats picking and squeezing though!

The downside- your husband isn't going to want to kiss you so get that stinky stuff off your face! Spending the night alone anyway? Go for it!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Almost a week recap!
And here we are joined by our dinner guest, my long time great friend, Majid. We went to middle and high school together and he's one of my funniest and most loyal friends. He lives in New York City now where he works for The Metropolitan Opera doing all kinds of fantastic techie sorts of things. He was only able to visit us for an evening but it was great to have him. I made pan fried catfish, homemade mac n cheese and sweet and sour green beans and pushed the carbonara to today. By special request I also made these cookies. After dinner we went over to Landa Park and walked around by the springs and on the trails. It was a lovely visit.
I taught just like usual but we had a special day for the simple fact that it was "One Day Without Shoes" hosted by Tom's Shoes to raise awareness of people who don't have shoes. It was against the rules for the kids to go barefoot at school but there was a bit of drama about kids feeling like the needed to ignore the consequences and "stand up for what they believe in" by going barefoot anyway. We had a discussion about the difference between running around barefoot at school because it's fun and really defending a cause despite personal sacrifice. We also explored other things they could do that might actually make a difference for causes they believe in besides showing off their new Easter socks.
Thursday evening was quite busy! Fun too though! We attended a dinner reception for new members of the New Braunfels Republican Women. It was at the beautiful home on the river of one of the officers and I had a great time meeting fellow new members and learning about how to become more involved in the group. Immediately after the dinner Brian and I headed into San Marcos to Cheatham Street Warehouse where we saw the Brandon Rhyder concert. Brian had called in that morning and won free tickets from our favorite Americana station. I tried to take a picture of us, but it came out really blurry. Here's the band instead.
I had a hard time all day believe it was Friday but by evening I was too wiped out to do anything of any consequence. Instead we went grocery shopping and watched tv. It was nice.
We worked out like Whoa on Saturday! I forgot quite how out of shape I really am and did two challenging work-out videos strength and cardio and then took a two mile walk with the dogs. I know to some of you that's nothing, but my body is still complaining about it.
We got to go out to the lake and enjoy our non-leaking (yay!) sailboat! I even got a bit of a sunburn. I love that Spring is in full force! The wind was pretty heavy and it was a great day on the water. After sailing we went to the Lucky Sailor Oyster Bar that's right next to the marina. It looks like I might have a summer job there! We indulged in oysters, fish, margaritas - delish! I had Brian take my picture from this angle so you could see my braid. I thought it was really cute.
And my handsome hubby relaxing while we were tied up to the moorings.
Ignoring sore muscles, we went to the track and ran (Brian)/ walked and jogged (me) a couple miles. The rest of the day we mostly stuck around the house and enjoyed each other's company. It was my turn to teach at Life Teen after Mass and the theme was on the 7th and 10th Commandments, social justice and meeting others needs for material goods while avoiding greed and gluttony ourselves. Tough subject for me, but such a good one to be reminded of. Having just come out of Lent, I'm reminded of the virtue of living simply and keeping life clutter free to make room for God and providing for others.
I hope that you had a terrific weekend like I did and that your week has started off beautifully!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Answers to the Questions part 1
Neely asks what is your favorite thing about blogging?
I read blogs for years before I started my own. I often read bloggers gush about how much their readers mean to them and how therapeutic blogging had been for them. I never could have guessed that I would start to feel those things so quickly, only a couple months after I started this blog o’mine. I love getting to think through my thoughts enough to compose them into a post, getting to know my readers and form real relationships with some of them, and add a little something to this community of bloggers. The thing I like the very best though is the comments, selfish as that is. It makes my day when readers take a minute to share their thoughts about something I wrote or say hi!
Erin says what's the weirdest thing about you? whether it be a habit, something physical, or something someone else thinks is weird about you..is that a weird question? haha.
No, that’s not a weird question and I’m going to answer it with something not that many people know. The weirdest thing about me is that I bite the tips of my hair off on the sides. I’ve been doing it since I was a little kid and despite trying many times to quit, I’ve never successfully done so. I learned recently that this kind of habit is called trichophagia. It’s a compulsion similar to trichotillomania which is pulling hair out. I’ve never had any negative symptoms from it probably because the way I do it I’m only biting tiny pieces of hair off at a time but that’s why the sides of my hair are always shorter (mouth length) than the back and curling it every day like I do helps blend the difference. That’s pretty darn weird, huh? I hope we can still be friends!
Marla.z asks do you have any pets, and if so, please share what you love about them? If not, would you like to get a pet?
I have two dogs, a Jack Russell Terrier named Eddie that we got from the San Antonio Defense League and a yellow Labrador Retriever named Sandy who was Brian’s family’s dog but she now lives with us. I can’t imagine life without dogs. They’re not babies to us, but they are such an important part of our family. I talked about them here a little tongue-in-cheek but most of the time they really are delightful. Sandy follows me around the house and is such great company. She’s really vocal too and sounds like a mama bear most of the time. My favorite thing about Eddie is the way he cuddles when he’s tired at night and in the mornings when I’m on the computer he’ll come over to me and put his front paws on me and ask to be picked up. I’m happy to oblige and spend some time with my boy!
Juggling Thoughts said what was your wedding like!? And El wanted to know what my favorite part of it was.
You can refer to my Wedding Wednesdays series that Juggling Thoughts hosts to hear some more about details, but overall, my wedding day was blissful! It was absolutely the happiest day of my life thus far and everything I hoped it could be. In planning, I was aiming for an event that was traditional, elegant and focused on the sacrament of the day.
Brittany EL said What is your favorite part of Texas?
Is all of it an acceptable answer? I love the Hill Country, Central Texas, Houston, and the coast. If I ever make it out to West Texas I will probably like it too. I’m ok with writing off anything north of Dallas as Oklahoma though. I did not enjoy my trip to Lubbock one bit. No offense if any of you live there.
laurenchapman said What is one meal you would cook weekly if you could?
I never cook the same stuff so I doubt I’d like to make any single recipe every week, but if I could I’d make a big ol’ Southern Sunday supper every week including biscuits, lots of sides, sweet tea and a pie. Why don’t I? Because there are just two of us and neither of our waists needs that kind of feasting on a regular basis.
Tales from the Williamson's Trails said If you could go anywhere where would it be?
I would love to take a vacation in Greece! Everything I’ve read or looked at make it seem so wonderful!
Semi-Slacker Mom said How long did you & your hubby date before marriage. How did you meet?
When we were both students at A&M we went on separate river trips one weekend in July 2006. I went with all girls, he was with all guys. One of the girls in my group went to high school with him and the guys in his group and while we were on our way to New Braunfels they coordinated hooking our groups up to bar-b-q at the lake house they were staying out. It’s just down the street from where his parents now have a house and across the lake from where we live now. We had a wonderful trip together and ended up falling in love by the next morning! We dated for 2 years (with a small break in the middle there) then got engaged on July 3rd 2008, and were married a year and a day later on July 4th 2009. Here's our wedding website and our story is included there.
suburban prep said When in doubt what is your go to meal to cook for dinner? And Similarly, The Ratpack said What are your "go-to" recipes for times when you entertain someone important, like your in-laws?
This question comes from Sarah, my sweet friend from College who was on that fateful trip that Brian and I met. She can vouch for my story! Like I mentioned above, I hardly every make the same thing twice. Almost every time I cook I’m trying something new, usually with great results, sometimes with lousy ones. If I need something fool-proof I’m likely to borrow a “go-to” from my mom or a friend. I’m sure over the years this will change.
Sarah's other question is What College Station restaurant do you miss most? Mine is Laynes...oh those chicken fingers!
I can’t pick just one, but I’ll give my top three!
Cheddars- I miss the spinach artichoke dip, key west chicken and shrimp, and the Cabo-Wabo rita!
Blue Baker – yummy yummy sandwiches, breads, pizzas!
Fitzwilly’s – where else can you get that perfect of a cheese burger, homestyle fries and a beer for $4?
Southern Belle Mama said Where is your favorite place to shop?
That’s a nice, simple answer! J.Crew is my hands-down favorite place to shop!
Diana said what is the sweetest thing that hubby of yours has done for you lately?
He does sweet stuff practically every day! He brought home tulips, surprised me with an Icee, mopped the kitchen while I slept in, helped me get ready for company this morning, packs my lunch! I couldn’t ask for a better hubby!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Top 2 Tuesdays - Magazines

I can tend to be a bit of a magazine fiend though. I also often read Martha Stewart Living, Glamour, Good Housekeeping, Faith and Family, Townhall, and more!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Tuesday: Senegalese Lemon Soup made with leftover Easter ham and bean salad
Wednesday: Pasta Carbonara and salad
Thursday: I'll be at a new members dinner for New Braunfels Republican Women. I'll probably pick up Jason's Deli or something for Brian.
Friday: Shrimp over coconut rice from Sweet Tea in Seattle
Saturday: Steak and twice baked potatoes with whichever veggies are left over by then