Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thanks girl!

Valentine's Weekend Recap - Sunday
We left off Saturday night having built a fort in the living room. I have a video of it that I would have really loved to embed but just can't seem to do. Instead I have a link that will hopefully work for everyone. I do have to warn you that it's cheezy as all get out and you should only watch it if you want to see my husband in sweat pants, hear my squeaky talking-to-dogs voice, and get a serious close up of Sandy and Eddie.
Valentine's fort video
Yes, that was the Valentine's fort that we all slept in the night before. We relaxed and took our sweet time putting all that stuff away. But when we finally got cleaned up, Brian took me out for breakfast at one of our favorite spots, Fork and Spoon Cafe. It was delicious as always and the sun had finally come out so we were able to sit on the patio. So nice. After that we ran a couple of errands including a trip to Home Depot, I guess we both should get what we want for Valentine's then came back and went to the Valentine's Day Movie. We really liked it. Sure there's not just a whole lot of depth there, but we enjoyed it anyway, especially Taylor and Taylor. Do any of you find it really bizarre to come out of a movie and it be daylight? It was only about 2:00 when we got out of the theater and regardless of what time I go in, I'm sure it should be late night when I get out. The rest of the afternoon was spent working on the boat and then we went to Mass and Life Teen after. Mass is always the highlight of my weekend but after typing this much about everything else, I'm going to have to leave it at we worshiped, and it was good.
I don't expect that anyone read all of these three posts, but if you did, hey! I'm so proud of you! I often find myself reading statements like this at the end of other bloggers' long posts, so I guess I'm one of the ones that sticks around. Happy St. Valentine's Day!
Valentine's Weekend Recap - Saturday
Brian wakes me up at about 5:00 (completely justifies all my shopping the day before) and we're on the road by about 5:30 heading out to the marina. I just barely referred to this a couple weeks ago, but we keep our sailboat (it's a Catalina 22) out on Canyon Lake at a marina/yacht club there. Just a couple of days before, Brian had been out there to check on it and found out that in all the rain we've had recently the drain holes in the cockpit have become clogged with leaves and it has flooded so high that water seeped into the cabin and had pretty much ruined everything inside there. Thank goodness it was on a trailer, because he told me if it had been in a wet slip like it was until the drought got really bad last fall, it would have been at the bottom of the lake. So we had to haul it out that morning and drain it of water. It's about 30* and 6 am the day before Valentine's day using a shop vac to get all the thousands of gallons of water out of the boat then tow it home, where it sits in our front yard, all high class. He's been working every day since then on rewiring the whole thing, rebuilding ruined drawers, creating new better drain holes and I don't know what else.
There she sits all sad and full of water.
The reason we had to get out there so early is because we had to be done in time to get to his grandfather's birthday party out of town. This was a completely special event because of how amazing this man is and the fact that he was turning the big 9-0! God grant that I live so long! He's still in such excellent spirits and relatively great health. Brian's aunt hosted the shindig which had about 30 people in attendance. Several more were prevented from coming because of snow storms all over the country. It was an all around good time with fajitas, champagne, and three kinds of cake. But the most special part of the party was that everyone was asked to write about their favorite memories of their Grandpa, Dad, old buddy Big Leo. There were such incredible things written about him. Even though I've only known him a couple years, I love him like I love my own grandparents. He's such a good-hearted, Christian man with a sense of humor you can't help but appreciate. I wrote about how special it was for him and Granny to come to our house on Thanksgiving last year as I know they'll be the only grandparents who ever will come to our home. They celebrated with us and I'll remember that forever. Here's a picture of Thanksgiving because we're all a bunch of nincompoops and no one took any pictures of the birthday party.
It really made me reflect on how I want to be remembered and what mark I want to leave on the people around me. People told stories at the party about his service to his country, what a fine father he was to his four children, the one-on-one time he gave to his eight grandchildren teaching them to shoot, to drive, taking them for a hamburger, how he was always available to his friends and gave back to his church. It was really very inspiring to me and I hope to know him 20 more years so I can learn as much from him as some of them have.
After the party Saturday evening, Brian and I exchanged Valentine's gifts. We often can't wait to give each other what we got so the night before is pretty common for us. Now here's where I make the kind of statement that makes men say things like "women are crazy" and "there's no use trying to understand chicks." I don't want exactly what I want this year. The last couple of years I have asked for something very specific and gotten it exactly, no more, no less. I wanted to be more surprised this year, for Brian to give me something that he wanted to give me rather than what I asked for. So when he asked me, I had a strategy. I asked for sapphires because I knew they were out of the question this year, but I really really want them. So I figured on the off chance that he actually gets me sapphire jewelry I'll be so elated I won't care that it's what I asked for, but since he probably won't get them, he'll have to use his imagination.
He did very well on his own. He gave me Dolce and Gabana Rose The One perfume, which I had never smelled before, but I just love. It's pretty and floral just like I like! Since we did the exchange early he "didn't have time" to pick up a card. I don't know when the plan for that was. I got him a double wide sleeping bag with the promise of going camping together this spring. We've had one before, but he got really frustrated with it on a middle school retreat we chaperoned and ripped the zipper out of it. He got the temper from the other grandpa. :) I knew I wanted to give it to him early because I was inspired by Lauren's Date Night Brainstorm and wanted to build a fort in our living room like kids do and I thought the sleeping bag would be perfect in it. Unfortunately, I picked out the wrong one and it was really cheezy even though the salesman said it was the better one. So we still built our fort, we just used comforters instead.
Valentine's Weekend Recap - Friday
This had very little to do with Valentine's day and much more to do with the fact that Presidents' Day also fell this weekend. I had mentioned a few times on here about how badly I needed pants that actually fit. All of mine start out long enough then keep shrinking and shrinking until I can only wear them with flats or worse, they start garnering comments about floods a'comin. I never really have any problem with shrinking around the waist or hips though, and if they're tight I know it's all my fault. So Friday afternoon, as soon as I got off work I went shopping. First I bought Brian's Valentine's present, but I'll talk about that in a minute. From there I went to the outlet malls I pass every single day (oh, the temptation!) I worked at J.Crew for a year and a half and still do sometimes so I get a discount there. But I always shop at J.Crew and their pants are the worst about shrinking. So I skipped it at first and went to Banana Republic to start off. Of course they were offering a President's Day sale and everything was 50% off! I got two pairs of perfectly fitting khaki dress pants one regular to wear with flats, and one long for heels. Plus a pretty teal sweater that was on clearance plus another 50% off. I tried on several pretty winter dresses, but resisted the temptation to buy. Next, I headed over to Ann Taylor where I struck out on pants but found a very pretty satiny blouse in blues and teals, and a denim pencil skirt that was actually long enough on me for work! Both 50% off again. After that I was about ready to be done, but J.Crew is right next door and I might as well stop in to see my friends right? Well my favorite manager was there and told me she's engaged! yay! Her wedding is going to be georg and also that clearance was an additional 75% off for employees! OMG! That makes stuff just about free. I'm talking I could just try it on and then throw it away and still get my money's worth. I thought I'd struck gold! Now J.Crew has a pretty specific policy about employees not blogging about them, but I'm not saying anything secretive here, just how awesome it is to work for them, so don't go telling on me. I found a pair of black minnie pants, a pink camp shirt, 3 scoopneck painter's tees (I should have bought 12, I love these things so much), a pink ruffle tee, and a pink perfect fit tank (that's not in the picture because I'm wearing it right now). Here's my haul.
I'm sorry I'm such a crappy photographer.
So I called Brian and started listing off everything I got and he's such a buzz kill, you know, because the first thing out of his mouth is of course "how much." Does your husband do that? So I told him to guess. He was supposed to guess like $300, because all that stuff is worth way more, but you know what he says? What would you have said? He guesses $150, which makes my super awesome deal of about $170 for everything not sound so great. But it is, right?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Fool-Proof Cure
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I'm one lucky girl!
I think I'll use mine as a trip diary, but it would be wonderful for someone who just got married or just got engaged to keep a journal of that special time. Just a thought.
Wedding Wednesday- Veils

Well, I came across Courtney's blog One Fine Wire and got a little bit excited about the linky she has going on today and every Wednesday where bloggers share some aspect of their wedding with their readers. This week's topic is veils. I know that's kind of a funny place for me to jump in having told you very little about my wedding up till now, but it seems to have been going on for quite a while and I'm the newcomer, so I'll just pick it right up and start talking about my wedding veil. I loved it!
Before I even started dress shopping, I knew I would wear a veil. I wasn't sure what type though. My favorite is a mantilla veil, but I wasn't really drawn to dresses that looked right with that type of veil. Birdcage seem to be all the rage, but they're a little too mod for me. I knew I'd have something a little simpler. I tried on several once I had chose my dress and loved the look of the super-long cathedral length. I had quite a long train and ended up getting the veil specifically made for me so that it would trail a few inches past the end of the dress. I got married in a very beautiful church and it was a pretty formal event so I felt justified with it.

Monday, February 22, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Saturday, February 20, 2010
He said, She said
What couple from a movie or TV show are you most like?:
He said: Phil and Claire Dunphy from Modern Family...they both try to be cool, but are lame in their own way; they're completely in love with each other anyway.
She said: The Griswolds
Do you have a song?:
Yes we do. We picked it early on to dance to at our wedding
What is it?:
Have I Told you Lately by Van Morrison
Have I Told You Lately, the Van Morrison version
First movie you saw together in the theatre:
Well, it would have to be in College Station, and the first movie I remember seeing with her there was the 9/11 I guess that one
Oh I’m not sure. We watched Grandma’s Boy at my condo first. It was so horrible.
Who said I Love You first?
She did
I think he did. It might have been at the pool.
Where do you eat out at most as a couple?
Fork and Spoon Cafe
We go to Fork and Spoon a lot, including this Valentine’s day, but we try not to go to the same place over and over because there are so many options
Who is better at handling money?
I would say me, but she is showing to be vastly superior in that department....
He is, but I’m getting a lot better.
What was the first meal that your wife ever cooked for you?
As wife, possibly the home made potato chips that almost caught our new house on fire
Before we even started dating, she made chicken wings...and at that time I hated chicken wings...
I don’t know what the first thing I cooked him was. He made me balsamic chicken and potatoes napoleon and green beans at the duplex.
If your spouse was a cartoon character which one would he/she be?
Ariel from the Little Mermaid. I had it big time for her when I was in pre-school
Elmer Fudd hehe. I only picked that because he goes hunting, but there’s a pretty good chance that Brian will be bald like him before too long! On second thought, let go with Prince Valiant.
How many boyfriends/girlfriends did your spouse have before you?
Maybe 3 or 4. He dated a few more but I think there was only one long term girlfriend before me.
What is your idea of a perfect date?
Spending time in the sun near/on some water with boats or river tubes
Something low-key with really good food involved.
What physical feature first attracted you to your spouse?
The freckles on her nose
His height. I like tall men
Where was your first date?
Cafe Capri
Well we were inseperable from the first day we met so it’s hard to pick, but Café Capri was probably our first nice date where we actually went somewhere
What is your spouses favorite show?
Project Runway
He really likes Modern Family, but Project Runway and The Dish are in the top 5. He won’t admit that though.
What is your favorite show?
Modern Family or The Middle
I like everything on ABC, I’ll have to put Grey’s Anatomy as number 1 for now
What is your dating anniversary?
Last week in July
July 19th or 20th 2006
If you could go anywhere on a second honeymoon, where would you go?
Back to Playa
Greece! We talked about going there for our first honeymoon but who can afford that? And we loved Mexico.
What surprised you about your spouse after marriage?
How great of a cook she is (pay no mind to the above flaming potato chips...that was me. Haha)
That his interests keep changing! He goes all-in with his hobbies and it drives me nuts sometimes to keep up. He’ll say “I’ve always wanted a _______” and then three months later “_________ is his dream since childhood” I thought I knew all about him, I just didn't know he'd keep changing!
What's the best thing about being married to your spouse?
Her being there everyday
that I know I can count on him going on loving me forever and I can love him back with abandon.
Let's go ahead and set the record straight, he was completely responsible for the potato chip fire, and he had purchased the chicken wings to be cooked that day (the day we met) I was just helping out.
So there you have it. How would you and your partner do?
I want this!

Friday, February 19, 2010
Don't let those blanks stay empty!

2. If I was stranded on a deserted island I'd take Brian, my hot rollers and a laptop. Just cuz I'm on a desert island doesn't mean I can't read the blog roll.
3. Balls are my most irrational fear. (the sports kind)
4. I'd rather brush my teeth then drink orange juice everyday, than play dodge ball everyday. (or even once)
5. I am taking a couple days off next week now that I won't be a long-term sub to get some stuff done around the house!
6. I should really be eating lunch right now! I'm going to run out of time and the kids will be back boring me to death with their speeches in a few minutes .
7. One of my favorite things in all the world is witnessing others grow closer to God .
Thursday, February 18, 2010
My Latest Pet Peeve-recipe related
- Sauté bacon in a skillet on stovetop set to medium heat until crisp. Remove bacon and set aside. that's a moot point.
- Add beef cubes to skillet and brown well. Remove meat and set aside. Thanks to my awesome All-Clad cooker I can brown the meat right in the pot.
- Brown carrot and onion in skillet and transfer to stoneware. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in flour, add broth, and mix well. I did the veggies right along with the meat. Then went ahead and put the wine in at this step.
- Add beef and bacon to stoneware, mix, and place in slow cooker heating base.
- Add wine, tomato paste, garlic, bay leaf, onions, and mushrooms. Cover; cook on Low for 10-12 hours or on High for 5-6 hours. Ok, now I'll throw in the rest. cook on low for about 10 hours.
Was there ever a better swap partner?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
the post thtat isn't much of a post
I want to tell you all about my successful shopping trip, how Brian and I spent our long weekend, my plans for lent, and maybe a few other random things, but for now I'll just wish you a holy Ash Wednesday. Here's a hug for those of you in fasting and a high five for others feeling self-conscious with ashes on your head. May the start of this Lenten season bear fruit in your relationship with Christ!

Friday, February 12, 2010
Fill-in-the-blanks Friday
1. I am hoping my Valentine's day this year includes, some couple time and romance in addition to all the family, curch and chore time that's scheduled this weekend
2. My biggest guilty pleasure is Valentine's Nougat in bulk!
3. I am most proud of the life Brian and I are creating together.
4. If I could choose one outfit to live in it would be an easy summer dress and sandals, but thank God I'm not wearing that today!
5. People are made in God's image and sometimes it's really hard to love them, but it's a blessing to try
6. I would rather have a spa day than go to work today .
7. I love my my husband more than grilled cheese, the Aggies, the internets and my curlers, combined.
Square Foot Garden: Phase 1 - Planning

We had a few seeds left from the last gardening experiment and Brian wanted to test them out to see if they were still good. Hence, this potted trial. I'd say the fluorescent straw flags are quite creative. I especially like this picture because it neatly summarizes all the main reasons I hate my kitchen, the junk that collects on the banquette, the Ethernet cables stretched across the room, those awful counters, and the country fruits wallpaper!
The next gardening post will be about the planting of the veggies. I'm going to try to keep really good track of how this process goes for two reasons. Hopefully if there's someone reading who would also like to grow a square foot garden this will be a good reference for them especially if they live in a zone a few weeks behind us. Also, we might like to do this again next year and who likes reinventing the wheel. Leave a comment and let me know what gardening you do or what your plans are. I'd love to keep up with yours as well!