I'll be joining in the fun again this week, hosted by Taylor at Jimmy Choos and a Baby too!
Being a substitute teacher is OK, I guess. I started a new assignment yesterday doing high school speech at the same school I've been at for a few months now. But, I never planned on doing it and I won't be forever. So if I weren't a substitute teacher, these would be my dream jobs
1. Stay at home mom. Yes, I wish I could do that now, but when you're not actually a mother yet, they call that unemployed. If at all possible, I will stay home when we have children, but that might not be an option for us for a couple of years at least. I think it is an invaluable gift to children if called to do that. Half of the blogs I read are written by Catholic moms and I really desire to live that vocation once we have kids. I want a whole mess of them, too, and day care for many is expensive!! My mom stayed home with me until I was about 8 and I loved having her there and all the tings we were able to do together.
2. Community Health Educator. I would like to plan and implement community wide or population-specific programs designed to promote healthy living for all. About halfway through my undergraduate education I feel in love with this profession and went all-in on research, service, and internships heading in this direction. It wasn't until I had finished my masters with no job prospects that I realized this profession doesn't really exist in the form my professors billed it. You have on the one hand "community outreach specialists" with no education and slightly above minimum wage or nurses having to do double-duty, and you have scholarly types making great plans that seldom get implemented anywhere. So no real room for me, but if I actually could find a job doing this, I'm sure I would love it! I haven't totally stopped looking, just lost a little bit of hope.
Just found your blog, super cute!!
Love this! Thanks for linking up!!!
I would love LOVE to be a Stay at Home Mom as well...once I have children:)
(visiting from Taylor's)
SAHM is on my list too...but not a reality for me (yet)!!
"I realized this profession doesn't really exist in the form my professors billed it." You said a mouthful there, sister!
Woohoo for community health educators (and those of us who try to go onto nursing school so they can actually be one)!
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