- No menu today because Brian is going back to Amarillo again! Ugh!
- Three people participated in Sing Along Sunday yesterday and one more tried. Hey, that's an improvement!
- I had a lovely birthday and a fun weekend. I'll tell a little more about it soon but I was awful about taking pictures.
- 4 more days until this girl comes to visit!!
- Sleep over with Stefanie tomorrow, yay, then brunch! And whoa, she posted again! Check it out, the girl is hilarious!
- I'm giving away a Southern Belle tshirt to a lucky reader and only 4 have entered so far. Go enter!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Just a few little things
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sing-Along Sunday
Friday, May 28, 2010
Fuming Fridays
- First thing I saw when I woke up this morning, on my birthday, was a big ugly roach on the wall across from us. I had to wake Brian up and get him to kill it. I hadn't seen one in the house since last Summer and I guess they're coming back again. G-ross!
- My bestie, Allie, and her hubby were supposed to come visit and play this weekend, but Karl's dummy boss is making him work and so I don't get to play with my friends. Major bummer!
- Brian and I already fought this morning and about something stupider than stupid, a hypothetical ice chest rack (yes, seriously) on a hypothetical FJ Cruiser. We honestly can not have a conversation about cars without it turning into an argument. How ridiculous, right? We worked it out and hopefully it'll be different next time.
- I had to move all the furniture out from the rooms it belongs in and stuff it into the guest room so I could have the carpets and couches cleaned on Wednesday. The carpet is dry now but everything is still in there. I sat on one chair that did not get cleaned for the last couple days. Now we have to drag it all back out because three generations of Brian's family may be in that room this weekend, since our other guests won't be.
- The only bakery in town refused to make a pink cake for me. They insisted that the only two flavors they have are chocolate and vanilla and wouldn't even consider putting food coloring in there. I hope the icing is pretty at least!
Happy Birthday Giveaway

Thursday, May 27, 2010
My Last Day as 25
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wedding Wednesdays - 2 for 1 special

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I have a conundrum
Option 1: Hurry home after school, feed the dogs, then turn around and head into Austin to see LAURA BUSH speak about her new memoir Spoken from the Heart.
- It's Laura Bush and I admire her greatly and have heard that she's an excellent speaker from other people who have gone to her readings.
- I would get a copy of her book. Signed if I'm fast enough.
- I would be doing exciting things even when Brian isn't here.
- Tickets are $35 and I don't have one yet, so I'd have to figure that out.
- My dogs wouldn't be getting my attention.
- I'd be rushing around all afternoon and that's not usually fun.
- I'd be alone.
Option 2: Go home and relax. Take the dogs on a walk. Pick up all the furniture so the carpets can get cleaned tomorrow. Eat a nutritious dinner. Blog. Make phone calls. Watch Glee and Dancing With the Stars.
- I would be relaxed and not rushing which is great. And there's something very pleasant about being home alone every now and then.
- Those are all things that need to get done anyway.
- The rest of my week might run more smoothly if I spent some time this evening getting organized.
- I might not be responsible about my evening in and end up just watching tv and eating cereal out of the box.
- How is this different than what I do most days? Not exactly carpe diem.
- I'd miss an opportunity (even if it might not be once in a lifetime) to gain wisdom from a good woman.
I really might go with the plan that gets the most votes over the next few hours since I can't seem to decide on my own. So please comment and let me know what you would do, or what I should do, if they're different.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Summer Reading List

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Come Holy Spirit

When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled,
they were all in one place together.
And suddenly there came from the sky
a noise like a strong driving wind,
and it filled the entire house in which they were.
Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire,
which parted and came to rest on each one of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
and began to speak in different tongues,
as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.
Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven
staying in Jerusalem.
At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd,
but they were confused
because each one heard them speaking in his own language.
They were astounded, and in amazement they asked,
“Are not all these people who are speaking Galileans?
Then how does each of us hear them in his native language?
We are Parthians, Medes, and Elamites,
inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia,
Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia,
Egypt and the districts of Libya near Cyrene,
as well as travelers from Rome,
both Jews and converts to Judaism, Cretans and Arabs,
yet we hear them speaking in our own tongues
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Sing-Along Sunday
Friday, May 21, 2010
Fuming Fridays

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
What I Wore Wednesday
Subbing middle school history, Roll out at J.Crew
Dress - J.Crew
Sandals - Payless
Any outfits I should definitely not wear again? Any recommendations on the picture taking? You should post your outfits next week. It's kind of fun and hopefully it'll help me remember not to wear the same thing to the same place in a row.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Top 2 Tuesday - Bucket List

2. Get caught up in a flash mob. I really don't even care whether I'm in on the act (if you're organizing one, I'll totally learn the dance!) or if I'm one of the lucky passerby in the right place at the right time. I would totally geek out! I'd better start hanging out on college campuses and in train stations. That seems to be where they happen. There's tons of videos but this one is from Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. Not sure why I can't get it to embed.
Monday, May 17, 2010
A Super Simple Treat
Lay out your pretzels on a baking sheet. Unwrap the Rolos and set one up on top of each pretzel. Keep in mind that if you enlist the help of your husband in unwrapping the Rolos, about half of them are going to go missing before they make it on their pretzel. Pop those in the oven for just about 5 minutes. You'll be able to see the chocolate getting soft but you don't want to let them get fully melty.
While they're still hot press a pecan half into the Rolo like a thumbprint and it'll squish out a little over the pretzel. This picture is really just so you can see my pretty diamond.
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Getting to Know You

2. Have you ever played a team sport? Swim team for a few years and a thoroughly unsuccessful stint on a boys soccer team in 2nd grade.
3. If you were a bug, what kind would you be? I'd be one of those really fancy beetles like with the horn and iridescent exoskeleton.
4. Where on your body is the worst place to get sunburned?your chest. I don't want splotchy damaged skin there later.
5. Are you happy? incredibly so!
6. People are always abbreviating..are there any abbreviations that make your skin crawl when people use them? I don't mind abbreviations at all. I use a ton!
7. Do you love where you live..or could you live anywhere?I love where I live! There are other places I could love just as much maybe, but no, I couldn't live just anywhere.
8. What, if any, extreme measures do you go to to keep yourself from overeating when you're full? I have a really sensitive tummy and if I eat just one bite too many I have to throw up, but I'm much better now about reading the signals that I'm done and ignoring anyone trying to tell me I should try to finish this or just take one more bite of that.
Sing-Along Sunday - feels like Summer to me!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Oh, Olan Mills
Six Senses Saturday

Have a great weekend!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Fuming Fridays

Also, my favorite show in the whole world for like 3 years, Weeds, has gone to pot (pun-intended)! What used to be a hilariously snarky show about a drug dealing soccer mom has just gone off the deep end (totally lousy show) and become about this sleazy chick who is in way over her head with slimeballs. I don't even want to watch next season. And how many times have you shouted at the tv or wanted to cry because your favorite characters end up with the wrong guy?
There are so many shows that are cancelled way too soon (Jericho, Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me) and others that just drag on for WAY TOO LONG (Lost, Prison Break, South Park, American Idol). Sorry if those are your faves, it's just my opinion. I am sure I have zero talent as a TV show writer, but quite often I feel like I could do a much better job.
So that's my rant today! Glad to have that off my chest!
My Life According to Queen!
Pick Your Artist
Queen (Second and third choices were Regina Spektor and Willie Nelson)
Are you a male or female:
Sweet Lady
Describe yourself:
Fat Bottomed Girls
How do you feel:
Get Down, Make Love
Describe where you currently live:
Is this the World We Created...
If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
Seven Seas of Rhye
Your favorite form of transportation:
Spread Your Wings
Your best friend is:
You're My Best Friend
You and your best friends are:
Doing All Right
What's the weather like:
Rain Must Fall
What's your favorite time?
Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon
If your life was a tv show, what would it be called:
Somebody to Love
What is life to you:
The Miracle
Your last relationship:
Loser in the End
Your fear:
The Invisible Man
What is the best advice you have to give:
Hang On in There
Thought for the Day:
Don't Stop Me Now
How I would like to die:
Sheer Heart Attack
My soul's present condition:
My Life Has Been Saved
My motto:
If You Can't Beat Them
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Sing-Along Sunday Mother's Day Edition
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Try not to point and laugh!
My poor little guy has a hot spot that he needs some help overcoming! I took him to the vet yesterday for the larger spot on his back and they shaved him and gave him a cortisone shot and some spray we can put on it twice a day. He was so embarrassed he hid his little head in my belly and would barely accept treats from the vet. Then this morning, he had already created the second spot right above his tail. That's when we decided the cone of shame was necessary. Poor thing! I learned that white dogs, and especially Jack Russell Terriers have very sensitive skin and a flea bite, or allergic reaction can set them off on a spot pretty quickly.
Six Senses Saturday