Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I am so uncool
Kid 1: Are you a mom?
I'm thinking that's a reasonable question and respond that no I don't have any kids yet.
Kid 1: Oh, cuz you seem really momish.
Kid 2: You remind me of someone.
Oh yeah? Who do I remind you of?
Kid 2: Mary Poppins. I don't really know what it is but you seem like Mary Poppins a lot.
Kid 3: Oh yeah I totally see that too, but it's ok because I like that movie.
Seriously? What about me says Mary Poppins to you?
Kid 4: I can't figure it out, but it's definitely there.
Couldn't someone, someday say I remind them of Maggie Gyllenhaal, Zooey Deschanel, Julianne Hough, anybody but a mom and Mary Poppins? Geez! I guess there's no sense filling my head with silly ideas like that.
No, Erin, you are not cute and put together, you are not cool.
Spring Mantel
Do yall remember how uncrafty I told you I was? Well this Y is about the level of project I can actually accomplish. And it's ok if the back looks like that. I have quite a bit of that fabric left over and am trying to figure out something I can do with it to carry it throughout our living room a bit. Linking up to this party:
Wedding Wednesday-Centerpieces

And this one is the cluster example.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
And the Winner is...
Top 2 Tuesdays - Truly Random Facts

In order that these top 2 random facts about myself could truly be random, I went ahead and made a list of 20 random facts then used the random number generator to pick out two. Here's what I ended up with:
5. My childhood lovey was a Pink Panther stuffed animal named Pinky.
My uncle gave him to me before I was born (I think) but he only became my favorite when I lost Pooky my clown. He has a really weak neck and despite several "surgeries" where my mom restuffed it and stitched him back up, his head hangs down. My friends would shake it or throw him and I was super defensive of him. I still love Pinky but he says at home with my parents.
12. I don't have an iPod.
My first MP3 player was given to me by a good friend but it wasn't an iPod. It wore out and I got an iPod nano but I never used it. This Fall I sold it in our garage sale. I want an iPhone but probably will never get another iPod.
So there you have it! If you're a new visitor from Top 2 Tuesdays please enter my giveaway. It ends today when I get home from school and do the "drawing." I'll announce the winner tonight! Good luck to all who entered.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Giveaway reminder!
Menu Plan Monday
this was supposed to be our Palm Sunday (also called Fig Sunday sometimes) meal but we got invited out to eat last night so it's pushed to today.
Tuesday: Cheesy Taco Puffs Ours will be made with venison. I can't tell you how eager I am to get that meat out of the deep freeze, Spanish rice, mango
Wednesday: Italian Chicken and Potatoes with apples
Thursday: this is our not-even-close-to-authentic-but-at-least-I-thought-about-it Passover meal. Lamb chops, couscous from a box, steamed spinach, and the first three radishes from our garden!
Friday: fasting for Good Friday but we'll have a small meal of pintos (without the hamhock) and cornbread
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sing-Along Sunday

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010

2. If I had a million dollars to give to one charity I would give it to Project Ultrasound or another pro-life charity, but I'm not sure the ones I currently give to would be prepared to accept such a large donation.
3. If I got to choose my "last meal" it would be from Liberty Bistro. I'd have Thai Beef Salad with soft warm bread, soup, and wine with Pot de Creme for dessert. Speaking of "last meals" have you read this?
4. My hair is chestnut, like my Grandma's used to be .
5. If at first you don't succeed try something else! You might be better suited at that thing.
6. I have always been very laid-back. It's pretty tough to get me riled up and I can keep a calm head in almost any situation.

For those of you who forgot, or are here from The Little Things We Do or New Friend Friday, be sure to enter my giveaway for Liberty of London bowls and Peace Meals cookbook!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Six Degrees of Blogging

*Start on your blog and clink on another blog's link. Keep clicking through to another blog until you get to the 6th blog.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Wedding Wednesday - Photographers

LOL and JL Giveaway!

This pretty set of Liberty of London prep bowls comes tied up in a ribbon and would be lovely at a Spring or Summer brunch or to brighten up the kitchen and would make a perfect hostess gift. I drooled over them as soon as I saw them and knew I needed a set and one of you did too! If you've been wondering what all the hype is about in the blog world over the new Liberty of London line, get thee to a Target! Fabulous cheery prints by the famous Liberty of London are all over the store. I have a bathing suit, blouse, watering can, and these bowls from it now, and I'm waiting till they get my size back in stock for a new dress!
Along with the bowls comes one of my favorite cookbooks so that you'll have plenty of great ideas for what to whip up in them. I love Junior League cookbooks in general because everything in there is tried and true by excellent hostesses so you know what you make will turn out pretty and delicious. Peace Meals by the Houston Chapter of the Junior League is the best I've seen!

Here are the rules to enter:
- You must be a follower of this blog to win. Friends and family are eligible, as are you, no matter where you live.
- You need to have your email available in your profile so I can contact you or you can leave it in your comment.
- To enter, leave a comment asking a question you'd like me to answer. Silly or serious, easy or hard, it doesn't matter to me, but in the interest of knowing each other better, I'd like to put together a question and answer post in the next week or two.
- If you think your Twitter followers, Facebook friends or Blog readers would like to know about my giveaway, I would love for you to share it with them. There aren't any extra entries for this though, I want to make it as easy and fair as possible!
- The giveaway will run for one week. Next Tuesday, March 30th, I'll gather up all the entries and use a random number generator to pick the winner and contact them by email!
Good luck to all of you! I have been so thrilled to win each giveaway that I've won and I want the same excitement for a lucky one of you!!
Top 2 Tuesdays- Things I choose not to live without

I curl my hair every day. Like, EVERY SINGLE DAY. Since 4th grade. I love big body and bounce and it's kinda my signature style, you know? I've stuck with my hot rollers while my friends moved from curling irons to round brushes and blow driers to the Chi. I'm just loyal like that. I would be quite self-conscious without them and I choose not to be.
2. Dr Pepper

I know I drink way more Dr Pepper than is healthy, and not the diet stuff either, but I LOVE it! I shocked one of my health professors once when I admitted to drinking about 50 ounces a day in college. It's much less now, more like 20 on average. Dr Pepper beats Coke and Pepsi hands down any day and don't even bring Mr. Pibb around here, it won't be pretty.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Giveaway coming soon!
Weekend Recap (In Pictures)

All in all, great weekend! I didn't post a menu plan yesterday because I'm out of town now. Brian is stuck at home with some frozen Stouffer's meals for two nights. I had a Republican Women luncheon yesterday then I headed into Sugar Land to my parents house. Brian, poor thing, has to work this week, but I'm on Spring Break. Today, my mom and I are headed to South Padre to visit my grandpa and hang out with my Aunt for her birthday. Hopefully the weather is better there than here! I'll post pictures when I get back, but probably won't be able to be on the computer much till Friday at least. I hope you have a wonderful week!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sing-Along Sunday
Friday, March 12, 2010
Lenten Check-In
Fun with Blanks
1. The best day ever was my wedding day. I know that's what everyone says, but I seriously had so much fun! Even if it had been someone else's wedding, I think I'd still count it as the best day ever.
2. My favorite meal of the day is brunch. I love getting to go out for brunch with Brian or friends. It feels so luxurious!
3. This weekend I hope to go hear some music tonight, go sailing for the first time in over a year on Saturday, and spend Sunday in worship and relaxation.
4. Never in my life have I dyed my hair.
5. The only thing better than singing loud to your favorite song is singing and dancing to that song with someone you love.
6. I could really do with some sunshine and warm air .
7. The most recent thing I bought myself was a fillet o'fish and a large sweet tea (which came with a free dvd rental! score!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Square Foot Gardening: Phase 2 - Planting
Those are cilantro, a couple different varieties of tomatoes, jalapenos and banana peppers. The little ones you don't see very well are swiss chard. Brian won that one. I've never bought swiss chard and didn't see much point in growing it.
If my parents' yard looked like that they'd be getting a letter from the homeowners' association, but you have to understand. We're in the country, yall, and they don't really care what we do with our yard. There's a sailboat sitting in it for pete's sake! (with any luck that'll be gone this weekend, back to the lake where it belongs) Last year with the droughts we had a half acre of dirt. This year I'm thankful for the weeds just as long as they don't take up their place in the planters!